Stipendien für Auszubildende
Kennzeichnend für Uganda sind auch heute noch Familien mit vielen Kindern, deren Potential das Land weiterzuentwickeln oftmals in einer Perspektivlosigkeit endet. Betroffen sind insbesondere Kinder, deren Eltern keine Berufsausbildung haben. Sie sind meist Kleinbauern oder arbeiten als einfache Tagelöhner mit einem Gehalt, das die Kosten für die Schul- und Berufsausbildung ihrer Kinder gerade so deckt.
In 2023 setzten wir an der Lubaga Hospital Training School die individuelle Förderung mittels Stipendien fort und konnten dadurch insgesamt 11 Auszubildenden helfen, ihr Studium nicht ab- oder unterbrechen zu müssen. Von ihnen haben alle fünf Finalisten, die im Juni ihre Abschlussprüfungen ablegten, erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Es sind zwei ausgebildete Krankenschwestern und drei Krankenpfleger, die nun gute Chancen haben, ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verbessern. Insbesondere ist es ihnen ein Anliegen mit ihrem medizinischen Wissen, Menschen ihrer Umgebung für gängige übertragbare Krankheiten und deren Vorbeugung zu sensibilisieren.
Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, die folgenden vier Briefe unserer Juni-Absolventen 2023 zu lesen, mit denen sie sich um ein Stipendium bewarben:
“ I started Primary School (Grundschule, die 7 Jahre dauert) through the link with Sr. Thereza but with school fee problems. It was during Primary 3 (3. Klasse der Grundschule) where I got a full bursary because of the good performance and the discipline I exhibited at school. I completed my Primary and I performed to my best with distinction one in science, a distinction two in Social studies, a distinction two in English and a distinction two in Maths. During the Primary 7 vacation, my father was reported with diabetes. This made his life hopeless and in addition to that the land where we used to grow crop and rear soine animals it was grabbed remaining landless struggling for just what to feed the family. When the time of joining Senior School (Weiterführende Schule) I had no hope but I was surprised to hear that I was granted to a full bursary to join Senior School. I was supported by Sr. Thereza sinze my parents had lost all the hope of getting money to an extent that even the pocket money and the requirements never did they contribute at any time. In Senior 2 I changed the school through the advice from Sr. Thereza and I joined St. Johns Senior School where I completed my O-level (Das O-level ist der erste Abschluss an der Senior School nach 4 Jahren). By the end of Senior 2, I was received a half bursary from the School because of my good performance and the discipline I had exhibited. It was during Senior 3, when I thought of becoming a nurse and entered Senior 4 when it was my goal I concentrated on my books and performed as it require because I wanted to make my parents life better and also help my young siblings. I humbly request for your support so that I make my goal become true.” (Seit Juni 2023 ist der junge Mann ausgebildeter Krankenpfleger. Die Ausbildung bezahlte zunächst seine Tante. Als sie krank wurde, brauchte sie selbst ihr Geld, um ihre notwendigen Behandlungen zu bezahlen.)
“I am 19 years old. My biological parents are alive and I live with my mother however she was married with another man who is my step father. My mother is currently at Kitemu where I normally live with her with my two step brothers. She pays the fees alone for my step brothers since my step father is currently in prison due to politics. Due to the callenges my mother is passing through to facilitate my step father in prison and my two younger brothers, she is no longer affording enough school fees. She told me to drop the course and look for something else and yet I have interest in studying and complete the course. This is my appeal to help me and go through this course then later find means of clearing the debt. I will be very greatful if this is put under your consideration.”
“We are five children, three boys and two girls and I am the elder. We lived with our grandmother after my father and mother separating. My grandmother passed on 2012. We joined our mother and I went to Primary School 1-4 and the School was sponsering my education but it closed. In Kawempe where my mother lived, we could not afford schools. I was taken to St. Johns where I finish my Primary 7 with a debt of 230 €. I joined Senior 1-4 and was helped by the School. To join Lubaga Hospital Training School my mother got a loan of tuition for registration and the first semester tuition and am unable to pay for the second semester and the loan is still on going till 2023. I have never got any school fees from my father since childhood. My mother tried to conact him but he could not provide not only to me but also my sisters and brothers. So my sisters and brothers are no longer in school. It is my humble request to give me a chance to complete my course as my mother is looking for money to complete the loan. I will be grateful if my request is put under my special consideration.”
"My parents are still alive. We are four children, two boys and two girls. I am the second born. Our elder brother has a disease, which is like Epilepsy and has never gone to school. My elder sister got married and another brother has a business at Kampala. My mother is a farmer at home and my father is a builder but good at drinking beer and doesn´t mind about the family and our studies.My studies were not easy due to school fee problems. From Primary 6-7 my aunt joined with mother to contribute on my school fees. I sat my Primary School leaving examination in 2013 and in 2014, I started Senior School. There my father could contribute on my school fees, but when I reached Senior 2 he changed his mind and not to pay for me the school fees. He could abuse me all the time which brought me to cry all the time. This disturbed my studies and started performing poorly in class. My mother went to school and knelt the principal asking to allow me to attend classes. The principal allowed me to remain at school. Later father got ashamed and started giving me some more for fees. This helped me to start performing well. After Senior 4, my parents couldn’t get more money for further studies to go for A-level (höchster Abschluss an der Senior School nach insgesamt 6 Jahren, der Voraussetzung für das Studium an der Universität ist) or any course. There I know it was the end of my life, which caused me to shade tears always. From there I couldn’t see my good future again. I had a dream that if God could help me to study and to become a nurse and treat people who are sick including my brother. No money to continue my studies. I completed my Senior 4 in 2017 and remained home digging with my mother. I was expecting to go back to school in 2018 but no money.
When I was at home in 2019 my friend got me a job at Lubaga Hospital to work as a mobile money operator of Bannabikira Sisters whom I never seen them since I was born and it is where I am now. This helped me to get personal needs. I would like thank those sisters who became my consolation in my life. Working in the hospital helped me to see student nurses who are very smart in their uniforms, and walking very fast going to class and duty. Even the staff nurses in the hospital are very smart and are mindful of treating the patients. This raised my desire to become a nurse. I wrote an application in Lubaga Training School. I was called for interview and passed well, but a problem I have is the lack of school fees for the course. I don’t have even somebody to sponsor me. I asked the principal tutor of Lubaga Training School to give me a dead years looking for school fees for the course until next year 2021. Sisters God bless you. God bless all those who are looking after me.”
Abschließend ein Dankesbrief (Mai 2021) eines Stipendiaten:
“I would like to express my gratitude towards you for the great support you have provided for me because I was unable to continue with my studies at St. Michaels Lubaga Hospital Training School, because my parents were financially totally down and if it was not your support, I was not able to continue with my studies anymore, but now I can concentrate in my books, Glory be to Lord. The outbreak of Covid 19 disease had affected me and my family seriously, in the way that we used to dig so that we get something to eat to survive during the time of lockdown, and some days we used to sleep hungry because of the absence of food at home. During the lockdown time, I never knew, that I will even go back to school to continue with my studies. But I will not forget the day sister principal called me via my mother`s phone and she told me to come to school to fill a form so that I can get support to continue with my studies, because even in the first semester I not completed school fees. I thank you again for the love, care and support you have showed me as a student nurse, so that I can continue with my studies. If it was not your support, my studies was to stop there. Nothing we can give you apart from praying for you so that God bless every work you are doing to be successful. God bless you, good hearted people.”
Helfen Sie motivierten jungen Menschen in Uganda mit Ihrer Spende zu einer guten Ausbildung. Ihre individuelle Förderung über Stipendien bewirkt Großes. Vielen Dank.